Program Requirements - Business Administration

Program Requirements
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Some courses taken for the major will simultaneously fulfill general education requirements.

Entrance Requirements for the Online Bachelor's in Business Administration:

Before applying to the online Bachelor’s in Business Administration we encourage all prospective students to review the basic entrance requirements. If your previous academic experience doesn’t appear to match the scenarios listed here, please contact our admissions office:
Phone: (800) 264-0138
Fax: (270) 384-8224

We’re ready to help!

  1. Traditional High School Graduates:
  2. Students may apply for admission at any time, but it is recommended that applications be filed as early as possible during the senior year in high school to maximize financial aid opportunities. Students applying for admission must submit the following:

    1. A completed Application for Admission
    2. An official high school transcript indicatinggraduation date or GED (General Education Development) test scores with a minimum of 145 on each of the four tests: Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies; and
    3. The results of the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) or written request to be considered test optional.

  3. Home-Schooled Graduates:
  4. Lindsey Wilson College welcomes and supports the enrollment of home-schooled students. In order to be considered for admission, a home-schooled graduate need to take the following steps:

    1. Complete an Application for Admission
    2. Submit an official transcript of all coursework completed at the high school level.
    3. List the curriculum utilized, as well as the texts used for each class
    4. Submit either the results of the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) or written request to be test optional.

  5. General Education Development (GED) Graduates:
  6. GED graduates pursuing the online bachelor’s in business at Lindsey Wilson College need to submit the following:

    1. Application for Admission
    2. GED test scores with a minimum of 145 on each of the four tests: Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies.

  7. High School/Dual-Enrolled Students
  8. Qualified high school students who wish to begin college work may apply for admission to Lindsey Wilson College. The following application materials are required:

    1. Application for Admission
    2. A transcript of high school work
    3. The results of the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) if a prerequisite score is required for a particular course.
    4. Approval from the high school guidance office.

  9. Nontraditional Students:
  10. For academic purposes, nontraditional students are typically students who:

    1. Delay enrollment, i.e. who do not enter postsecondary education within a year or two of finishing high school;
    2. Work full time (35 hours or more per week) while enrolled
    3. Are married
    4. Have dependents other than a spouse (usually children but sometimes others)
    5. Are single parents (either not married or married but separated and having dependents) and/or
    6. Are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces

      These students may apply for admission at any time, but it is recommended that applications be filed as early as possible to maximize financial aid opportunities. Students applying for admission must submit the following:

    1. A completed Application for Admission; and
    2. An official high school transcript indicating graduation date or GED (General Education Development) test scores with a minimum of 145 on each of the four tests: Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies.

  11. Transfer Students:
  12. Lindsey Wilson College accepts academic credit from two-year and four-year colleges accredited by a regional accrediting commission. Candidates for admission as transfer students should submit the following:

    (NOTE: High school transcripts may be required for some transfer students.)

    The cumulative GPA of students transferring to Lindsey Wilson College will include hours attempted and quality points earned from all previously attended institutions. Students transferring with a 2.00 GPA or below will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. Transfer students placed on probation by their previous institution will be placed on warning or probation by Lindsey Wilson College. All students admitted on probationary status will be given individualized plans that will specify how they are to achieve minimum acceptable academic progress within a specified time. Courses completed at the 1000-2000 level will transfer to Lindsey Wilson College as 1000-2000 level credits only. A maximum of 64 credit hours may be accepted from regionally accredited junior or community colleges. Additional credit hours will be accepted only when appropriate and when permission is given by the school dean and the Registrar's Office.

  13. Readmission:
  14. Students who have previously attended Lindsey Wilson College and desire to re-enter must complete a new Application for Admission and submit transcripts from all colleges and universities attended since leaving Lindsey Wilson. The student may be asked to meet with the Admissions Committee before the decision is made.

Prerequisite: 3 hours
  • Writing Studies II (ENGL 1023) is a prerequisite for BUSI 2303 -- 3 hours
Core Requirements: 42-45 hours
  • College Algebra (MATH 1013) or a minimum ACT mathematics subscore of 26 or equivalent is a prerequisite for ACCT 2113, ECON 2033, ECON 2043, and ECON 2203 -- 3 hours
  • Financial Accounting (ACCT 2113) -- 3 hours
  • Managerial Accounting (ACCT 2123) -- 3 hours
  • Business Communication (BUSI 2303) -- 3 hours
  • Business Law (BUSI 2713) -- 3 hours
  • Introduction to Management (BUSI 2903) -- 3 hours
  • Business Computer Applications (BUSI 3503) -- 3 hours
  • Principles of Finance (BUSI 3533) -- 3 hours
  • Principles of Marketing (BUSI 3933) -- 3 hours
  • Operations Management (BUSI 4763) -- 3 hours
  • Business Ethics & Values (BUSI 4783) -- 3 hours
  • Business Policy (BUSI 4793) -- 3 hours
  • Microeconomics (ECON 2033) -- 3 hours
  • Macroeconomics (ECON 2043) -- 3 hours
  • Statistics for Business and Economics (ECON 2203) -- 3 hours

Marketing Emphasis Requirements: 24 hours
  • Consumer Behavior (BUSI 3103) -- 3 hours
  • Introduction to Marketing Research (BUSI 3303) -- 3 hours
  • Digital Marketing (BUSI 3403) -- 3 hours
  • Integrated Marketing Communications (BUSI 3513) -- 3 hours
  • International Marketing (BUSI 3943) -- 3 hours
  • Topics in Marketing (BUSI 3TX3) -- 3 hours
  • Marketing Capstone Project (BUSI 4103) -- 3 hours
  • Choose one course from the following: 3 hours
    • Internship in Business (BUSI PN00) -- 1-6 hours
    • Any 3000-4000 level ACCT course not already required for the program -- 3 hours
    • Any 3000-4000 level BUSI course not already required for the program -- 3 hours
    • Any of the following COMM courses:
      • Public Advocacy (COMM 3103) -- 3 hours
      • Public Relations Principles & Practices (COMM 3113) -- 3 hours
      • Group Communication & Decision Making (COMM 3303) -- 3 hours
      • Organizational Communication (COMM 3503) -- 3 hours
      • Intercultural Communication (COMM 3603) -- 3 hours
      • Communication in Social & Critical Contexts (COMM 3713) -- 3 hours
      • Conflict Resolution (COMM 4103) -- 3 hours
      • Crisis Communication (COMM 4203) –- 3 hours
      • Communication Law & Ethics (COMM/JRNL 4403) -- 3 hours
      • Interviewing (COMM 4503) -- 3 hours
      • Leadership (COMM 4713) -- 3 hours
      • Persuasion (COMM 4723) -- 3 hours
      • Social Media Communication (COMM 4743) -- 3 hours
Prerequisite: 3 hours
  • Writing Studies II (ENGL 1023) is a prerequisite for BUSI 2303 -- 3 hours
Core Requirements: 42-45 hours
  • College Algebra (MATH 1013) or a minimum ACT mathematics subscore of 26 or equivalent is a prerequisite for ACCT 2113, ECON 2033, ECON 2043, and ECON 2203 -- 3 hours
  • Financial Accounting (ACCT 2113) -- 3 hours
  • Managerial Accounting (ACCT 2123) -- 3 hours
  • Business Communication (BUSI 2303) -- 3 hours
  • Business Law (BUSI 2713) -- 3 hours
  • Introduction to Management (BUSI 2903) -- 3 hours
  • Business Computer Applications (BUSI 3503) -- 3 hours
  • Principles of Finance (BUSI 3533) -- 3 hours
  • Principles of Marketing (BUSI 3933) -- 3 hours
  • Operations Management (BUSI 4763) -- 3 hours
  • Business Ethics & Values (BUSI 4783) -- 3 hours
  • Business Policy (BUSI 4793) -- 3 hours
  • Microeconomics (ECON 2033) -- 3 hours
  • Macroeconomics (ECON 2043) -- 3 hours
  • Statistics for Business and Economics (ECON 2203) -- 3 hours

Management Emphasis Requirements: 24 hours
  • Small Business Management (BUSI 2933) -- 3 hours
  • Personnel Management (BUSI 3953) -- 3 hours
  • Management Information Systems (BUSI 3973) -- 3 hours
  • International Business Operations (BUSI 3993) -- 3 hours
  • Quantitative Business Research Methods (BUSI 4623) -- 3 hours
  • Human Relations in Business (BUSI 4773) -- 3 hours
  • Choose two courses from the following: -- 6 hours
    • Internship in Business (BUSI PN00) -- 1-6 hours
    • Any 3000-4000 level ACCT course not already required for the program -- 3 hours
    • Any 3000-4000 level BUSI course not already required for the program -- 3 hours
    • Any of the following COMM courses:
      • Public Advocacy (COMM 3103) -- 3 hours
      • Public Relations Principles & Practices (COMM 3113) -- 3 hours
      • Group Communication & Decision Making (COMM 3303) -- 3 hours
      • Organizational Communication (COMM 3503) -- 3 hours
      • Intercultural Communication (COMM 3603) -- 3 hours
      • Communication in Social & Critical Contexts (COMM 3713) -- 3 hours
      • Conflict Resolution (COMM 4103) -- 3 hours
      • Crisis Communication (COMM 4203) -- 3 hours
      • Communication Law & Ethics (COMM/JRNL 4403) -- 3 hours
      • Interviewing (COMM 4503) -- 3 hours
      • Leadership (COMM 4713) -- 3 hours
      • Persuasion (COMM 4723) -- 3 hours
      • Social Media Communication (COMM 4743) -- 3 hours

Exit Assessment for all business adminstration majors:

All business administration majors are required to take the Peregrine Global Services Business Administration Assessment during the final semester of their senior year. Examinees pay a fee of approximately $45.