Course Descriptions - Criminal Justice

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CRJS 1003 -- Introduction to Criminal Justice -- 3 credit hours

Surveys the American justice system, including legal and constitutional dimensions, the juvenile justice system, probation and parole, and elements of law enforcement. Prerequisite: ENGL 1013 or ENGL 1004, unless waiver requirements are met.

CRJS 2103 -- Criminology -- 3 credit hours

Focuses on theoretical and pragmatic factors involved in illegal behavior. Prerequisite: CRJS 1003 and ENGL 1023.

CRJS 2213 -- Juvenile Offender -- 3 credit hours

A psycho/social examination of deviant and criminal behavior among juvenile populations in the United States, focusing on prevention, treatment, and other elements of the juvenile justice system. Prerequisite: CRJS 1003.

CRJS 2303 -- Criminal Courts -- 3 credit hours

Examines personnel, administration, legal issues, and delivery of legal services in the American criminal court system in the context of local, state, and federal systems. Prerequisite: CRJS 1003.

CRJS 3023 -- Police Investigation -- 3 credit hours

Focuses on how the crime scene should be investigated, searched, and processed for evidence, and includes an emphasis on the legal admissibility of these procedures. Students will discuss the forensic value of physical evidence and the role of forensic science and criminalistics in evaluating this evidence and presenting it in court. Prerequisite: CRJS 1003, and CRJS 3213.

CRJS 3123 -- Police & Society -- 3 credit hours

A study of law enforcement in the United States as it relates to society. Topics include: changing mores, the nature and evolution of the family and other social institutions, ethnic and racial elements, and social stratification. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003.

CRJS 3203 -- Corrections -- 3 credit hours

Study of the American penal system with attention to objectives, administration, historical evolution, and comparative status among developed countries. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003 .

CRJS 3213 -- U.S. Constitutional Law -- 3 credit hours

The study of the development of foundational constitutional principles, the U.S. Constitution and amendments, the workings of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the landmark decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003 or POSC 1003.

CRJS 3403 -- Probation & Parole -- 3 credit hours

Administration and management of county, state, and federal community-based correction systems, including developing innovative systems of accounting and tracking those committed to the correctional system. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003, CRJS 2103 and CRJS 3203.

CRJS 3573 -- Rural Crime -- 3 credit hours

Examines critical issues related to criminal offending, criminal victimization and the administration of criminal justice in rural communities. Specific attention will be devoted to examining the social context of domestic violence, youth violence, substance abuse, drug trafficking, policing and crime prevention in rural communities. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003.

CRJS 3613 -- Statistics in Criminal Justice -- 3 credit hours

Analytical and statistical concepts and procedures relevant to crime and criminal justice, including quantitative and qualitative techniques. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003, CRJS 3623 and general education mathematics requirement.

CRJS 3623 -- Research Methods in Criminal Justice -- 3 credit hours

Overview of the research process with emphasis on research design, data collection, and analysis and interpretation of data and statistics. Use of both quantitative and qualitative research methods appropriate to the study of criminal justice. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003 and general education mathematics requirement.

CRJS 3703 -- Criminal Law -- 3 credit hours

Attention will be given to the history and development of the substantive law, including common law, statutory law, and administrative regulations at the federal, state, and local levels. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003 and CRJS 3213.

CRJS 3903 -- Criminal Procedure -- 3 credit hours

Focus upon the procedural law at the federal, state, and local levels, including a comprehensive look at the meaning of the legal concept of "due process." Prerequisites: CRJS 1003 and CRJS 3213.

CRJS 4113 -- Green Criminology -- 3 credit hours

Examines the crimes and social harms which affect the natural environment and the planet. Various theoretical explanations will be offered to explain crimes including, but not limited to, pollution, wildlife crimes, and the effects of global warming on the criminal justice system. This course will also cover environmental laws and policies designed to address crimes which fall under the umbrella of green criminology.

CRJS 4173 -- Homeland Security -- 3 credit hours

Focuses on the entities and institutions necessary for the protection of the United States. Course instructional material will examine the components of Federal, State and Local Police Agencies, as well as the role of Private Security and Emergency Responders needed to facilitate the implementation of the Homeland Security Act. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003, and junior-level standing in CRJS program and at the college.

CRJS 4273 -- Evidence -- 3 credit hours

Examines forms of evidence, preservation of evidence, chain of custody, witnesses, proof, privileges, hearsay, and circumstantial evidence. Solid preparation for law enforcement candidates and a plus for the student focused on the law or the courts aspect of criminal justice today. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003 and CRJS 3213, and junior-level standing in CRJS program and at the college.

CRJS 4303 -- Ethics & Professionalism -- 3 credit hours

This capstone course examines ethical and professional conduct related to specific career fields in criminal justice as well as general ethical issues related to the overall discipline. Focuses on applying learned principles and ethical frameworks to current legal, political, and social issues related to criminal justice. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003 and senior-level standing in CRJS program and at the college.

CRJS 4TX3 -- Topics in Criminal Justice -- 3 credit hours

Studies within a specific area of criminal justice are offered on an irregular basis in order to address a field of interest, current issues, or cases in criminal justice that are not addressed in depth in the normally offered courses. Examples of special topics: legal profession, criminal justice and mental health issues, forensics, current issues, and cases. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003 and instructor's permission.

CRJS PN03 -- Professional Internship -- 3 credit hours

Required work experience in an occupational area related to student's interest or focus. Students must have 120 clock hours worked and write a scholarly paper related to the work experience. Grading: Credit/No Credit. Prerequisites: CRJS 1003and senior-level standing in CRJS program and at the college.