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Kailyn Haste, M.Ed., NCC, LPCC

Kailyn Haste, M.Ed., NCC, LPCC
2009 Graduate, School of Professional Counseling

I started my college career at SCC where I changed my mind about my actual career countless times. I ended up with 2 degrees, 5 certificates, and no clue what to do with them… Until I received a letter from LWC about their School of Professional Counseling. The transfer to LWC was so easy, all I needed was 1 class outside of the program curriculum and as soon as I started I knew it was meant to be. I resonated with everything, didn’t have to travel for my classes, and made some of the best friends I’ve ever had at LWC. I now work at my practicum/internship site where I gained hands-on experience while receiving supervision from my professors as well as current colleagues. I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, a Nationally Certified Counselor, and I am in the process of gaining my Registered Play Therapist credentials. I honestly have my dream job and I couldn’t be happier! I am so thankful to SCC and LWC because if the transfer center hadn’t informed me of this opportunity, who knows what I would be doing right now (or how many other random degrees/certificates I would have).

Interested in a Counseling degree?

Human Services & Counseling
Master of Education in Counseling degree

Powell Miller

Powell Miller
Master of Business Administration

I had no intention of earning a Master's degree when I finished my undergrad. The last thing I ever thought I'd do was go back to school, but after a career shift and some added life experience I felt like an MBA could help propel my career and set me apart from others in my field. The 100% online format of the MBA program gave me the flexibility I needed to keep working my crazy, unpredictable schedule in athletic administration while also letting me complete the program at an accelerated pace. Our assignments were adaptable to my field, allowing me to dive deeper into an industry I already loved. I accepted a new role shortly after graduation and went from never wanting to return to school to being very glad I did.

Interested in an MBA degree?

Bachelor's in Business Administration
Master's of Business Administrtion
Rita Miller, MEd, LPCA

Rita Miller, MEd, LPCA
December 2020 Graduate, Somerset Campus

My name is Rita Miller and I had a phenomenal experience attending Lindsey Wilson College; the instructors were knowledgeable, caring and encouraged me not to give up and I learned a great deal about counseling. I was able to apply the obtained knowledge at my sites (LCRH, Oakwood, & Phoenix Preferred Care); that coupled with the expertise of my site supervisors gave me the confidence to work with my current 20+ clients. I was able to secure a job at Phoenix Preferred Care; I feel so blessed, supported, and cared for; my clinical supervisor is amazing and I am glad I chose wisely and she gave me this opportunity.

LWCs Educational Partnership Sites - Community Campus Locations
With Classroom Instruction
With A Local Admissions Expert
Robin Moore, M.Ed., LPCA

Robin Moore, M.Ed., LPCA
May 2020 Graduate

After intensive training, I became a certified foster parent by the state of Kentucky. I went from a basic home to a care-plus home within a year. My foster parenting experiences became my "WHY," which was to help traumatized children within the foster care system. Having a poor upbringing and struggles in my own young life significantly impacted my desire to become a counselor. Being a single foster parent for two years was the real motivation to change my whole career path. A full-time career, volunteering at a local homeless shelter and then home to take care of children who have had numerous behaviors and diagnoses due to severe trauma. After learning about the impact of substance abuse, physical abuse, and extreme neglect that children endured, I set out to make a difference. I enrolled at LWC and graduated with a Master's Degree in Human Development and Counseling. My life and career path thoroughly detail intentional and unintentional events that have led me down the career and the educational path I am today.

Interested in a Counseling degree?

Human Services & Counseling
Master of Education in Counseling degree

Tanner Pooler

Tanner Pooler
Master of Business Administration

I can’t say enough good things about The Lindsey Wilson MBA program. Dr. Phillip Yoho was extremely helpful to me in my time in the program. The program allowed me to continue to be a full-time worker, all while learning and growing my knowledge within the business world. The professors challenged me and helped me to grow as a student, and I felt supported by them each and every day. I am where I am today because of the Lindsey Wilson MBA program and everyone who is part of it.

Interested in an MBA degree?

Bachelor's in Business Administration
Master's of Business Administrtion

Tracy Tucker

Tracy Tucker
Fall 2021 Graduate, Master of Education in Counseling

My name is Tracy Tucker; I am happily married to my wonderful husband and we have a 12-year-old girl at home. In May 2006, I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Human Services and Counseling, so I have been out of college for a long time; however, I have one more semester left to obtain my Master’s Degree in Counseling and Human Development. I have also obtained a Temporary Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, (T-CADC), in February 2020. I aspire to achieve my Master’s Degree and obtain a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (LPCA) in December 2021. I also want to obtain a Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor, (LCADC). I am currently employed by Community Based Interventions where I hold the position of Substance Abuse Counselor….I am also interested in helping others and finding resources for those in need to help improve their quality of life as well. I have a special interest in working with children and those with addiction issues.

Interested in a Counseling degree?

Human Services & Counseling
Master of Education in Counseling degree

Interested in a hybrid format? Learn how we can help.

Visit one of our Community Campus locations near you and set up a consultation with one of our partners.
Campus Sites With Classroom Instruction
Campus Sites With Local Online Admissions Expert
A.P. White Main Campus, Columbia Kentucky